Friday, November 11, 2011

Guest Post: Mommy Myths!

I'm so excited to have my dear friend and Christian writer, Amy Vogel, guest post today: defines a myth as: a traditional or legendary story, with or without a natural explanation; or any invented story, idea, or concept; or an unproved or false collective belief.

If I had a nickel for every time I compared myself to a collective belief about how I should be as a Mom – I’d have enough to pay for Kim Kardashian’s wedding and divorce! There are some seriously dark thoughts that lurk in my Mom brain – standards I cannot compete with or live up to. I couldn’t do it as a full-time working or now that I am full-time at home.

Three years ago, I found myself face down on the floor. I had put myself there after yet another horrific morning of fits, curses and gnashing of teeth. You might think the culprit was either my (then) 5 year old or 2 year old, but sadly no. I was the one who needed the time out.

In that moment I realized I couldn’t live on what I believed about myself as a Mom because I didn’t know who I was. I found the answer in Proverbs 3:4-6, which started me on my way. It was then that The Lord started to dig up the lies so rooted in my brain so He could burn them up like the chaff they are. But they are stubborn boogers. They don’t want to come up. These are the ones that get me the most:

1. I am all alone in this.
2. Other Moms don’t yell or fuss or get frustrated with their kids like I do.
3. I don’t love my kids enough.
4. I didn’t think it would be this hard.
5. One day, being a Mom will be easier.

That day and every day since, I make a choice. I could let these myths fester or I could let God turn me into the Mommy He meant for me to be (and that my girls deserve). I could keep on being the unpleasant, foolish person crying into the tile or I could start to act like the victor He said I was.

We all have to make that choice. We have to lay these burdens down or they will eat us alive.

When I prayed change into the Mommy my girls needed (which is a dangerous prayer by the way!), God had no intention of making me perfect or wiping my memory. He wanted to change how I thought. He used my brokenness to show me how to fight back. You see, we can’t just take the garbage out, we have to put good back in.

And since there are 5 myths, I’ve found 5 ways to counteract their poisonous effects.

1. Listen to God’s Word - For overcoming Myths 1-5 (Hebrews 4: 12, 2 Tim. 2: 9)
2. Listen to your Godly Friends - For overcoming Myths 2, 3 & 4 (Eccles. 4: 9-10)
3. Listen to your Mentors - For overcoming Myths 4 & 5 (2 Timothy)
4. Listen to your Husband - For overcoming Myths 1, 3 & 4 (The biblical equivalent of date night – Mark 10: 8-9)
5. Listen to your children - For overcoming Myths 3 & 5 (You don’t have to wait till for your “crown of the aged,” Proverbs 17:6, to enjoy your children!)

When we overcome these myths – through God’s power – there is freedom to know Him, your husband, your children – YOURSELF – in ways that will bring you unending joy.

To hear more about Amy's journey, follow her on

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