Thursday, January 27, 2011


What I love about Wordless Wednesday is its ability to both:  (a) make me prolific, somehow knowing I can't write on this day makes me particularly interested in writing, and (b) make me patient, I often act quickly without thinking and WWs make me wait to say what I have to say until Thursday.

Hence another day with three posts, having typed most of it up yesterday!!!

So this was one was inspired by a Beth Moore bible study I attended Tuesday night with worship led by Kari Jobe.  Have you heard her music?  She sings pictures, images, beauty.  And Tuesday, the room was filled to overflowing with over 3,000 women singing with her.  The songs can't help but resonate particularly deeply for those with young children.  How pleased the Lord must have been to hear these words float up to Heaven in this intensely feminine way. 

As you may know from previous posts, God often uses music to speak to me and over me.  And this was just a shining example of His words washing over a tired and ready spirit.

Our nursery has all three cribs lines up against the wall and one very comfortable glider in the dark corner away from the hall light.  And I can't count the nights I've held one or all of the children in that glider, rocking them, singing to them, and pressing them up against my heartbeat.  Kissing their foreheads.  Holding their hands.  Wrapping them up.  Ahhh.  It is the sweetest and tenderest of moments, even when I'm the most exhausted.  Last night, our little girl, held so tightly to my neck while I rocked her out of a bad dream, I thought I might not be able to catch my breath.  But I loved every second of it. 

Imagine that is you and the Father.  Imagine when you are scared that you can be held in His lap and rocked and wrapped up and comforted with His voice, His singing over you. 

Her music can't help but make you see that.  Feel that.  I share a few lyrics of hers from Singing Over Me and The More I Seek You (respectively) - get her cd and listen when you're tired and in need of comfort:

Your songs have never stopped
You've been singing, always singing over me
Your words are still enough
And You're singing
Give me faith, Give me strength enough to wait
To stand in faith, And listen for, listen for Your melody

I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand.
Lay back against you and breath, hear your heart beat
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming

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